The truth about soulmates

The truth about soulmates

Why do we spend so much time finding our soulmate – that one special person who will “complete us?” If you Google “soulmate,” you will find over 75 million results, including tips on how or where to find yours. Here’s the truth about soulmates.


You might say that many are obsessed with finding “the one.” We are told that our soulmate will nurture our longings for companionship, love, respect, and be someone to soothe our pains and accept our flaws. We are led to believe that the answer to our inner happiness can be found in that one special person. No wonder we spend a lifetime searching for our soulmate.


But what if I told you that your search for your soulmate ends right now?


The truth about soulmates

Many loves, one soulmate

When I was looking for my own “kindred soul,” I started to wonder: Is there a difference between finding a soulmate and finding a lifelong partner? Is Mr. Right also my soulmate?  Do we have just one soulmate or can we have more?  

As I searched for answers, I looked to family members. Both my grandfather and uncle married twice and both loved their second wives as much as they loved their first.

So which wife was their soulmate? The first or second?  I came to the conclusion that we can have many lifelong partners but only one true soulmate. That is when I finally realized that we are each our OWN soulmate. So the one truth you need to know is that YOU are your own soulmate.


You are your own soulmate

Think about it, no one truly understands your strength and vulnerabilities as much as you do. You understand why you are special and why you matter. The number one person that accepts you unconditionally is you. 

No other person can “complete you” because you already are complete. Your soul is the real you, not defined by body or possessions. Your soul is your true authentic self.


How to heal your broken soul?

As a life coach, the way I like to explain soul work to my clients is that when we experience pain or trauma, a small piece of our soul is left behind, stuck in that moment, in that trauma, on that timeline.

Losing parts of our soul can be a small enough circumstance that might surprise us on discovery or an event so enormous that we need courage just to face it. Soul work is about finding the lost pieces of your soul that you need to retrieve and reconnect for your soul to be whole again. 

When you find your soulmate to be you, you can have healthy relationships.  

With inner peace, we have peaceful relationships.

I help clients retrieve the wounded parts of themselves so that they can heal, reclaim and make their soul whole again. When we can move forward rather than be stuck in the past, we reach self love. All of a sudden, finding “the one” or “Mr. Right,” takes on a new meaning. You and your partner will have a healthy relationship rather than need your partner to nurture and make you healthy. For when your own soul is whole, you are healthy. When you are healthy, then your relationship with people and money is healthy.