Heal old wounds with acceptance commitment therapy 

Heal old wounds with acceptance commitment therapy 

Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to think about your injury or pain every day? If, one day, you could say, “Yeah, it happened – but it no longer affects me.” How much better would you feel? Learn to heal old wounds with acceptance commitment therapy.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy dissolves painful thoughts by reducing its power and impact. The more you can give distance between yourself and the painful feelings, the less power it has on you.

ACT is among the many tools I use and recommend that can better help you cope with painful experiences. Better to deal with the past or present wounds in a constructive way than to let them continue to hurt or hold you back.

Consult with professional care if ACT tools can be helpful for you.

Acceptance Commitment Therapy – Let go, Release and ACT

Acceptance and commitment therapy help with thoughts such as “I have to accept the past.” Or “I can’t undo the past, so let’s focus on the future.”

There are two ACT tools I recommend


A. Tool 1 of ACT: I am having the thought. My own personal experience-

a. Me: “I wasted thousands of dollars on an inexperienced lawyer.”

b. Me: Hmm… I am having the thought of “I wasted thousands of dollars on an inexperienced lawyer.” Repeat 3 times.

c. Me: I am noticing that I am having the thought of “I wasted thousands of dollars on an inexperienced lawyer.” Repeat 3 times.

d. Me: “I am noticing that I am having the thought of “I wasted thousands of dollars on an inexperienced lawyer. And that’s okay!” Repeat 3 times.

B. Tool 2 of ACT: Name your story.

When you notice your “thought clusters,” you can use Acceptance Commitment Therapy.

When you recognize the theme of your thought clusters, you can then NAME your thoughts. ACT tool #2 is Name your story.

And instead of repeating the different painful thoughts over and over… you can say to yourself. “Oh, there I go again with my “name your story.” In my experience, it was “My immigration story.”

Me: I wasted so much money on the whole process.

I had to take on so many other jobs to pay thousands of dollars.

Oh, there, I am having the thoughts of my “Lawyer Story.” And that’s okay.

What are your thought clusters? What is the “Name of your story?”

  • Money Story.
  • Old boyfriend story.
  • Lonely story.
  • Everyone is successful but me story.
  • I don’t deserve story.

Thoughts become powerless when you create distance between you and your painful thoughts.

Don’t wait. ACT now. Use Acceptance Commitment Therapy.

Give it a try: Let go using self-distance with ACT tools.

So, if you want to finally let go of your past or present wound, try these two ACT tools. Try it out. Wouldn’t you rather try the tool than to for sure be stuck with the painful or unnecessary thoughts?

I am always here for you so let me know how I can support you in your relationships — with yourself, others, and finances.

If you are ready to take the next step, explore personal development coaching.

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