10 key steps to get ready to find true love

10 key steps to get ready to find true love

Date after date, relationship after relationship, we spend so much time and effort looking to find our soulmate, the one person who will complete us. Our “other half” must be out there somewhere, right? Here are 10 key steps to get ready to find true love!


Before you can find Mr. Right, you need to find YOU.

Before you can find Mr. Right, you first need to understand that you are your own soulmate. You are the number one person who matters most in how to fulfill your hopes, dreams, and happiness.

Being your own soulmate takes work. You need to heal your soul and gather all the parts of your soul that were torn or pulled apart at different times throughout your life. Serious soul retrieval – the work in becoming whole again — takes courage with lots of self-love.

In other words, soul retrieval is the real work in finding Mr. Right. You have to be Ms. Right for yourself first before you will find your lifelong partner. 


5 steps to INVEST in yourself before finding Mr. Right

Making the effort and carving out the time to retrieve and heal your wounds is the best investment you can make in order to be ready for Mr. Right. Here are 5 suggestions that I share with clients as they begin their journeys back to themselves.

  1. Stop looking for someone else to save you or fix you. You know what you need more than anyone else so give yourself what you need, want and deserve. 
  2. Be your own best friend. Give yourself the same unconditional love, support, and forgiveness that you give to your dearest loved ones.
  3. Defend, protect and nurture yourself first. You cannot take care of others if you do not take care of yourself first. The reverse is also true: You shouldn’t be waiting for someone else to take care of you if you aren’t willing or open to taking care of yourself first. 
  4. Treat yourself. Put at least one treat on your calendar every day. Give yourself exactly what you want. The treats can be small or grand but treating yourself needs to be a daily non-discretionary gift for yourself. 
  5. Stop waiting. Don’t put your life on hold waiting for someone else to treat you special or to care for you. Have flowers delivered to your own home; buy yourself a present, have it wrapped, and open your gift on any special day; purchase a box of your favorite chocolates; try that new hobby or sport; and take yourself on a trip, whether it’s a drive through at Starbucks or a deposit on your dream vacation. 


Being your own soulmate requires self-love. 

Living your truest existence takes work and courage. And so does soul retrieval work.

Soul retrieval work is lifelong work. What do I mean by soul retrieval work?

When you experience pain or trauma, a small piece of your soul – the essence of who you truly are — is left behind, stuck in that circumstance, in that trauma, on that timeline. Sometimes losing parts of your soul may have happened once or on numerous occasions. In other words, parts of your soul may have been lost anywhere from childhood through adulthood. To be the best version of you, you need to retrieve, heal, and reconnect those lost pieces.

This is very personal, multi-faceted work. The only one needed to successfully search and rescue the different parts of your soul is YOU. However, you may want additional support or assistance, especially if you are just starting out or facing something deep and painful. Once you are familiar with the process, soul retrieval is something you can revisit any time you bump up against feelings or habits that do not serve your highest YOU.


5 steps to healing your soul so that your soul can be whole again

  1. Remember the dark past moments that caused you pain from childhood, teenage years, young adulthood and older.
  2. Select one past memory at a time. This is a process that requires each part to be collected and attended to individually. 
  3. Take your time. Spread out this collection of healing. This experience can be draining and requires energy and strength.
  4. After collecting each lost piece, allow time for rest, reflection, and healing.
  5. When rejuvenated and nourished from each retrieval, identify the next dark moment to revisit and duplicate these 5 steps.

You will recover different pieces of your soul throughout your lifetime and the order in which you identify each memory may not have a distinguishable pattern. That is because dark moments have a way of bubbling up only when you are ready to address them.

Be gentle and loving with yourself as you do the healing. The work may seem intimidating but consider this: The relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you have. Soul retrieval is both an essential investment of self-love as well as a non-discretionary investment for your future. 

As you do the work of soul retrieval, you will experience the intense power of being your own soulmate and at the same time be able to receive love in ways that are healthier and more enhancing than ever before.


I am always here for you so let me know how I can support you in your relationships — with yourself, others, and finances.

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