5 Ways to overcome self-sabotage and imposter syndrome

5 Ways to overcome self-sabotage and imposter syndrome

Have you ever wondered aout self-sabotage and imposter syndrome and how it affects us? This post explains 5 essential ways how to overcome self-sabotage and move past it.


Does the thought of accomplishment make you question yourself? Do you often question your abilities and talents? Do all your dreams seem impossible because you don’t see yourself as worthy enough? Self-doubt can sprout in anyone’s heart and can create a sense of inferiority.

Lack of confidence in yourself not only drives you to doubt your abilities but also creates a fear of failure. Because you fear not making it to the finish line in time, you’d never even start running.

Constantly questioning your worth can create what’s known as imposter syndrome. It can mentally cripple the most skilled individuals and affect personal, professional, and social lives. It causes self-sabotage, making you feel undeserving of success and happiness.

However, imposter syndrome isn’t incurable. All you need is a little help. Yes, it’s difficult to try explaining it to yourself or to others; however, you shouldn’t be afraid.

Here’s everything you need to know about imposter syndrome, its effects, and how to deal with it!


What is Imposter Syndrome?

As the term imposter implies, imposter syndrome is an overwhelming feeling that makes you feel fraudulent, as if you’re pretending to be someone you aren’t. 

All your efforts are shrouded in doubt. You don’t trust yourself, question your talents, and consider yourself inferior to others. Your best efforts seem mediocre. And worst of all, you pin all your previous accomplishments on luck.

5 Ways to overcome self-sabotage and imposter syndrome

Simply put, you deceive yourself with a false image of who you are!

How does it affect you?

The feeling that you don’t deserve to accomplish anything may push you to work even harder and further land you success, but rather than commending your hard work, you drown deeper in the abyss of doubt.

In the long run, it leads to “downshifting,” making you less ambitious and, in turn, not fulfilling your actual potential.

This syndrome creates frustration and the feeling of “not being enough.” It not only affects the way you look at yourself and perceive your accomplishments but how you deal with others as well.

When you feel you are unworthy of the things you achieve, you also consider yourself undeserving of the affection your dear ones have for you. You’d inflict on yourself what’s known as self-sabotage and hurt yourself and your dear ones in the process.


Top 5 ways to overcome self-sabotage and imposter syndrome

1. Identify your self-sabotaging behavior

The first step to solving a problem is to accept that there is one. Identifying your self-sabotaging behavior requires you to self-reflect. You need to stop running away and confront yourself.

Sometimes, it’s difficult to trace the patterns in behavior; that’s why you should take help from a certified life coach.

2. List the things you are passionate about

Making a list that helps you stay in the right state of mind. In this pure state, throw out any thought regarding any self-deceit as you’re genuinely passionate about what you want from your life.

3. Celebrate every little victory 

You work hard to achieve something, and that hard work should be rewarded. Accomplishment or no accomplishment, you should always commemorate your effort.

4. Never compare yourself with others

Comparing oneself with someone can be highly self-deprecating. It is essential to understand that everyone has a different existence and different circumstances, which makes them equally yet uniquely special.

While you should not compare yourself to anyone, you should talk about what’s bothering you.

5. Seek professional help

Sometimes, it would be difficult to read your behavior or bring yourself to celebrate small victories on your own. A professional life coach can help you with that.


Self-doubt can push into a vicious circle of imposter syndrome and self-sabotaging behavior. It can affect anyone; however, it can be cured. So, if you are affected by it, seek professional help.

A compassionate and qualified life coach can help you defeat the imposter in you and open the door to a fulfilling life.

Explore personal development coaching if you are ready to take a step forward and learn how to overcome self-sabotage in your life.


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