6 Characteristics of an ideal boss

6 Characteristics of an ideal boss

Have you ever wondered what could make you a better boss to your employees? Here will be 6 characteristics of an ideal boss! (Or, at least, a better one, for starters)


What kind of a boss are you?

Do you often give last minute projects or assignments without clarifications or needed details? Do you expect your employees to know what you want without transparency or clear communication? Do you regularly ask your employees to work on the weekends but do not acknowledge or credit their work?

Are you demanding and expect others to be more like you? Do you know if your employees actually enjoy having you as their boss? Then it may be time to fix yourself. Move to make changes and progress so that your company can do the same.

The value of how you manage your work environment influences employee’s self-confidence, satisfaction and effectiveness. In other words, the key to having a better work environment is having satisfied and happy employees. A healthy environment promotes productivity and all can achieve goals efficiently and effectively. Luckily, there are several strategies when creating a healthy collaborative and successful  environment.

Michal and husband laughing

The Secrets of an Ideal Boss


Favoritism at work is real and rough. A boss’s favor towards another employee negatively affects the rest of the team which results in losing respect, collaboration and respect.

Nevertheless, when you treat everyone equally, employees will trust and support your leadership. Treating people fairly allows you to benefit from the strengths of all employees and encourages them to support the weaknesses and the strengths of each other. Treating everyone fairly is an essential characteristic of an ideal manager.


Great leaders are reliable. You should make the most of situations when you demonstrate courage and resilience under pressure. Always, remember to keep your promises. If you make a promise that you can’t meet because of truly unique circumstances, then communicate immediately, directly, and transparently. Being a reliable leader not only means doing what you say but it also means doing what is right.

Be available if employees need support. Consistently show compassion and care. A great boss knows when to step in and advise vs. when to be a sideline supportive presence. Your workers’ happiness is always in your best interest. Remember, your distinct communication and positive attitude will boost confidence and collaboration which will in turn, promote productivity and comraderie.

CHARACTERISTIC OF AN IDEAL BOSS NO.3: Set clear expectations

Expectations are essential in the workplace in order to ensure your employees are focused. Provide specific instructions when assigning tasks. Explain the goals clearly and precisely for a smooth flow of operation.

Also, familiarize your worker’s talents and skills.  Find out what they like, their ambitions, and where they are headed in your company. Distinguish the skills of your employees so that you know what to maintain and where you need to go.

On the other hand, remember that employees can’t read your mind. They resent bosses who don’t communicate effectively. Resentment is contagious; it promotes a hostile work environment. When employees do what they are supposed to do at work, they will work smoothly and efficiently so be clear to encourage and promote collaboration in your workplace.

CHARACTERISTIC OF AN IDEAL BOSS NO.4: Acknowledge employees for exceptional work.

Celebrate success! Appreciate the hard work of each employee, show them that you notice. Remind yourself to focus on their success rather than their failures.

If an employee meets expectations, pay them a compliment on their work or show appreciation by leaving a personal note. Employees should see that hard work earns positive attention. Plus, they will know that you appreciate their effort. Acknowledging your employees will result in increased productivity and a collaborative workforce.


Don’t be too serious. Fun activities create bonding opportunities. Bonding is necessary as it can create that sense of looking out for each other and helps to build trust between you and your employees.

Incorporate activities and events such as different theme parties or during meetings. Team-building exercises are ideal for recognizing, appreciating, improving and optimizing the individuals on your team. Hence significant results can be achieved when fun is involved.


Assess how you treat employees when they make mistakes. In your business, you should not play the blame game. Your role is to rectify the mistake without hurting your employee and at the same time make sure it won’t occur again.


Discipline is sometimes necessary, but employees resent bosses who publicly humiliate them. As a manager, you have to be approachable. Help your worker and discuss the problem or how to solve a particular issue. Discuss the errors and constructively and creatively guide the workers through the lessons learned and the lessons yet to be learned. When employees make mistakes, remember to be reasonable. Treat employees with respect. Doing so encourages employees to accept and implement your feedback.

If you have any self doubt or concerns how to improve your skills as a manager or as an executive director, or how to prevent some of your own self-sabotage habits, then reach out to Michal Braker, a certified life coach, who has over 25 years of executive experience. She not only knows your struggles, pain and challenges as a boss and a manager, she also has solutions and ideas that work!

There’s no way to guarantee that your employees will like you. However, making these changes reduces stress and contributes to a productive, collaborative workplace. If you are a manager or an executive director, then take an honest look at yourself and see how you can improve.


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