Have you ever had a thought that you’d be a lot happier if there’d be more clarity in your life? Let’s explore how you can find clarity in life: at work, home and with love?
Practical steps to find clarity in life
Explore your emotions
There are 27 human emotions and 21 facial expressions. How many emotions can you list without pausing? Which emotions seem to always recur in your life?
Sometimes emotions lift us. And sometimes, they drag us down. How do we achieve clarity at work, home, or with love when there are negative emotions involved?
STEP 1: Recognize WHICH Emotions Recur
When negative emotions keep recurring, I first ask myself where and when I have felt this before? Work or at home? What about prior years? And then I ask myself the ultimate question: what are the similarities between the current and the previous situation?
STEP 2: Name the emotion that causes you more stress and less clarity
Name what you’re actually feeling. As children, we don’t always know the difference between hunger and boredom. How many times have you felt angry only to realize you were actually in pain? How many times have you felt anxious about eating at a restaurant, but were actually worried about your finances?
And so, we need to sit with the emotion and ask what are you feeling?
STEP 3: Describe the Emotion on a Physical Level
Become the observer and look at yourself from another point of view. What can an observer notice when you are feeling these emotions? How many physical symptoms can the observer list? In other words, what physical symptoms can you actually see when you are feeling this emotion.
Acknowledging and naming physical symptoms is a helpful tool:
- My heart is pounding.
- My tears are running down my cheeks.
- My nose is puffy.
Identifying how you feel can help you with clarity towards well-being.
STEP 4: Step aside from your Emotion
We all have the skills to take a break and set aside emotions for short periods of time. When we have distance and time, we make room for clarity.
You can try any one of the following:
- Tilt your head and look from that perspective.
- Take two steps aside in any direction and then look again.
- Turn your back and look from behind.
- Use a mirror to view from behind.
- Change the lighting… from darker to lighter or from lighter to darker.
- Ask a friend to share their perspective
- Take a 1-2-minute break and then look again.
When you return to the moment from a new perspective, you have space for clarity.
Shift Your Perspective
When we need different solutions, the best thing to do is to look at the situation from a different perspective. I take daily walks on the same streets, but I make an effort to see something new and different every time.
If you continue to view your situation from the same point of view, then you will continue to only see one solution instead of many.
If you are feeling thirsty – don’t keep drinking non quenching drinks.
Same as, when you are tired then sleep instead of resting by watching Netflix.
Once you have clarity on what is truly bothering you, you can put in place real solutions.
Be Patient.
Who do you know that says, “Are we there yet?” Do your vacations start at the destination or as you start packing? In other words, when you are present in the journey, then you will have more clarity with the destination. Good things happen to those who wait. With patience, you will get all that you want and more.
The amount of time one needs to be patient varies. Sometimes you only need to be patient for a few seconds, minutes, days or weeks. Patience brings clarity which will bring the solution you have been waiting for.
Accepting the Emotion:
Since we cannot turn off feelings, we need to acknowledge and accept them as they occur.
The final stage of grief is acceptance. When we properly mourn a loss, such as a loved one or the loss of security, clarity comes when there is acceptance.
You can achieve clarity when you know, understand and accept your emotions.
Well-being is your world filled with clarity that sets you in control with emotions.
Explore personal development coaching if you’re ready to take the next step!
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